Greetings to Group B and to those who have switched to 8/25:
Our pick-up time is now 1230 – 2 pm. As always, please email me (or text my cell phone) if you are going to be late picking up or you need to cancel your pick-up. You should tell me about a cancellation (or if you’d like to switch your pick up week) no later than noon on Friday. Thanks to those of you who have communicated with me about this already. Important note: If you have someone else pick up your share, please tell them where and when to come for the food. It would be good for me to have their contact info in case we have to get in touch with them.
I anticipate that you will receive:
- leeks or onions
- tomatoes, a lot of them (Remember you can put a not-quite-ripe tomato on the counter and it will ripen in a couple of days. Don’t put tomatoes in the fridge.)
- Sungold cherry tomatoes
- basil
- garlic
- cucumber/ squash choice with a few eggplant choices too (These are slowing down a bit.)
- watermelon (maybe 1/2 a big one)
- sweet corn
- Elizabeth Ciarlelli’s now-famous tea bread
- Pick your own flowers!
Since it’ll be such a tomatoey share-out, take a look at the latest Hartford Courant food section:,0,5621191.story for some amazing simple tomato recipes!
Thanks to those who have signed up to harvest, prep and staff the distribution on Saturday.
Oh, and one more thing – you are invited to post recipes on the blog or send them to Dan Groberg – – and he’ll post them.
And please LIKE us on Facebook!
And the very last thing – we could use pint and quart containers (the blue cardboard ones and the plastic kind with covers).
See you at the farm,