Hi everyone –
This week’s harvest:
- Sungold cherry tomatoes
- scallions
- lettuce (from my friend Whitney’s organic farm)
- blueberries
- peaches
Depending on the numbers on each pick-up day, we might have these veggies as a choice or for everyone (be prepared to choose!)
- tomatoes (4 – 6 oz. red)
- eggplant (mostly Orient Express)
- cucumbers (General Lee’s Slicing and an incredibly delicious, weird looking Asian variety)
- summer squash (several different yummy varieties)
- beets
- As always – flowers and herbs (pick-your-own).
Check out the 45 watt solar panel that’s powering our radio and a tiny fridge. It’s in the hoop house. Thanks to Hap Jordan for ordering and installing it and to Bob Carruthers for wiring and the battery. The grant we got from Northeast Utilities last year will pay for it all.
Thanks for all the rain dances! We’re ok now.