Dear Group A folks,
Please remember to pick up your share on Saturday between 12:30 and 2:00. Let me know asap if you need to switch, cancel, or pick up late. Text messages to my cell phone are fine, or send me an email. FYI You have one more pick-up on October 13.
We could use one more harvester at 8 am on Saturday! Please let Annmarie Golioto know if you can help (see address on cc line).
I anticipate that your share this week will include:
Bosc pears
Kale or tatsoi choice
tomatoes (maybe)
sweet Nardello peppers/ eggplant/potatoes if we can get them harvested before the rain
garlic and/or shallots
green beans
winter squash
turnips or radishes
You can pick your own flowers or basil.
Please feel free to harvest a few heads of amaranth flowers into a paper bag, shake out the seeds and try your hand at separating the seeds from the chaff. If all of us try different methods, maybe someone will come up with a good winnowing technique. It’s an under-used high protein grain that we should know how to process. It certainly grows easily. Please talk to me if you want to know which plants are best for producing seed.
In case you missed it:
Here’s a great way to preserve herbs for the winter: Use 2 cups herb leaves to 1/3 cup olive oil or 2-4 TBS leaves to 1/2 cup unsalted butter. Pulse in a food processor until you have a a chunky paste. Package for freezing: Put 1 cup herb oil or 1/2 cup herb butter in a 1 quart zip top freezer bag. Flatten it so that it makes a thin layer. Freeze flat. Cut a piece off when you need it and use it within 6 months. Use herb oil for salad dressing, pasta, soups, stews. Use herb butter for veggies, meat, pasta, fish, popcorn.
Reminder about member Fellis Jordan’s workshop on making “hypertufa” (concrete) planters, scheduled for Sunday Sept 30 at 11 am – 1230 pm. Leave with a planter that you can use for herbs, rock garden flowers, or succulents. Free workshop and materials will be provided. Bring 2 containers to form the inner and outer shape of the planter (or use something you find at the farm.) Check out the Friends of Boulder Knoll website for more details. RSVP to Dan Groberg at the address above in the cc line.
See you at the farm,