We finally got some good rain after a very hot dry period. This was a huge relief to me and to the veggie and flower plants in the garden. All of the plants have started to grow fast because of it. Tomatoes are looking good; knock on wood. We’re getting a lot of fall plantings in now while the soil is moist. As one crop comes out, another crop goes in.
Your share next week
You’ll get blueberries, greens, garlic, red Norland and Caribe potatoes, sumac berries for sumac lemonade (no, it’s not poison sumac, silly), probably a choice of carrots or golden and red beets, maybe the following in the choice bin: Oriental Express eggplant, several varieties of summer squash, Sungold cherry tomatoes, Sugar Snap peas, other items.
After this nice rain the flowers will start to get bigger and brighter. Take a pair of scissors and a bag and pick a nice bouquet for your table. We have lavender, statice, orange cosmos, snapdragons, batchelor’s buttons and more. Some are shorter than they should be because of heat stress, but don’t let that stop you.
I won’t be at the distribution this coming Sunday, so I’ll miss seeing most of the Sunday folks.
- Sept 4 – Huge Tag Sale to benefit Friends of Boulder Knoll. If you’d like to get more info and volunteer to help, sign up in the distribution hoop house at the farm. You can donate good quality sale-worthy items or even have your own table. Last year we had tons of good stuff and made around $2000! Thanks to member Meredith Berger who stepped up to help organize this year’s sale.
- Ten high school and post-high school youth from the Waterbury Workforce program are coming to the farm on two consecutive Fridays, July 23 and July 30 to learn about plants and gardening and to do some work. Let me know if you’d like to stop by to visit or help.
Work needs
We need lots of weeding, mulching and path making. We also need someone to straighten up the toolshed, clean up the perennials, weed the herb garden, and replant the mint and yarrow somewhere else.
A couple of pick-up reminders
Make sure you tell me no later than the day before your pick up day if you’re not going to pick up your share. I need to tell Wayne not to bring your fruit share. And remember to check off your name on the distribution list when you pick up your stuff.
In the event of a stormy morning that forces a postponement of the harvest, I’ll send out an email in the early morning. Feel free to call me to confirm (cell 203-645-1734 or home 203-393-1245)
See you at the farm!